BoatTEST Reports

New Boat Inventory Report

Dealers at the fall boat shows are reporting that small boats production has caught up with demand, and there are now boats in stock. Our informal survey cut across both brands and types of boats, both in the south and north sections of the U.S.

Boats above 30’ (9.14 m) continue to have a tight supply, some very restrictive, depending on brand. For example, some 36’-39’ (10.97/11.88 m) are sold out for a year or more - depending on the builder. Boutique and small builders have the longest list of back orders due to their limited capacity.

Larger boats, and certainly those above 40’ (12.14m) are generally sold out for the rest of the year and into mid-2023. As boats climb in size, demand continues to be strong, and builders’ order books are typically full through 2023 and some into 2024. A few quality builders we have spoken to, with popular models, tell us that they are even sold out into 2025 for many of their models.

More new brands from European yards are entering the U.S. market, and others are doubling down on their U.S. commitment and are taking on new dealers. These brands generally have stock available in all but the largest size ranges.