Hatteras Now Will Re-Hab Their Old Yachts

Having done our own refit of a 1986 Hatteras five years ago and knowing several other owners of vintage Hatteras yachts who have done the same, we applaud the builder’s announcement this week that the factory will now be in the re-hab business. In fact, Hatteras has been quietly re-working old boats all year and it is an important step and will be a positive move for the brand. For many years Hatteras’ biggest competitor was the used Hatteras market. And as we have pointed out on these pages from time to time, re-powering and re-habbing old Hatteras yachts (and Bertrams, too) is a great way to get a large, well-built boat for a very low price indeed.


Hatteras will now re-fit, re-power, re-work and otherwise re-hap old Hatteras yachts. This is big news for the thousands of Hatteras owners across the country.

Reprint of Hatteras Yachts Promotional Announcement---

The Hatteras Refit Center Makes Its Debut!

Whether you are the proud owner of an eighteen year old Hatteras 130 Motor Yacht, or a 60 Convertible half that age -- The Hatteras Refit Center is the perfect resource for you! Unlike other yards, we specialize in Hatteras Yachts -- exclusively. Why? Because we are Hatteras Yachts, and we have the experience, skill-set, and infrastructure to take care of your Hatteras better than anyone.

Our amazingly skilled team of craftsmen can repower your classic with the latest in marine diesel technology, add new electronics, repaint the exterior, or refresh the interior with new decor to take advantage of current design trends. We can recreate the fine quality and attention to detail that has been a hallmark of Hatteras for fifty years.

For your convenience, The Hatteras Refit Center will have an office aboard the Hatteras display during the 2009 Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show. Whether you are updating your cherished Hatteras, or looking to acquire an older "diamond in the rough" -- you'll want to stop by and talk to the Hatteras Refit Team.

Click here or call 252-634-4846 today to learn how we can help return your Hatteras to her finest glory.