Boat & Yacht Design

Will a Zip-Wake Solve List Problems on a Deep-V Hull?

Will a Zip-Wake Solve List Problems on a Deep-V Hull interceptors
The Zip-Wake interceptors shown here are made in Sweden and are being widely adopted on premium-quality boats all over the world these days.

Question: Capt. Steve, I have a 35' dual console with a 24-degree deadrise at the transom and no steps. It is powered by outboards. I love the boat but on plane, the hull has a tendency to heel over with the slightest pressure from wind, wave, or weight and my conventional hydraulic trim tabs cannot react fast to stabilize. I noted – thanks to your report on the MJM 35z – the Zip-Wake interceptor system. Do you think these interceptors will solve my hull's problem? I’m told that the builder of this boat has sold over 600 of these models, but when I called them, they said they had never heard of Zip-Wake, and my boat’s list was operator error. Since I have operated all kinds of powerboats for nearly 50 years, I take umbrage at that answer. Is the list due to me or the boat, and can the Zip-Wake interceptors solve the problem? – G.W., Houston, TX

Will a Zip-Wake Solve List Problems on a Deep-V Hull drawings
Drawings from the Zip-Wake website purportedly show the difference in water flow between an interceptor and a conventional trim tab.

It is not surprising that the manufacturer won’t admit to their boat having that list. Few will admit to any flaw, regardless of how minor. Your problem is not really unusual, but the fact that it’s happening on a boat with such a low CG and windage kind of is. And, of course, the 24-degree deadrise at the transom exacerbates the problem and makes the boat even more sensitive. That said, the idea of putting the Zip-Wake interceptors on your boat is a sound one. They should correct the problem automatically and still allow a quick override with the control wheel to bring the bow up or down while remaining in a level attitude. I’m generally against things happening automatically, but these seem to do it correctly. I hope this helps.

To get a full description of the Zip-Wake system, go to the maker’s website, which does an unusually good job of explaining the product.

– Capt. Steve