News Stories

Russians Bomb BRIG Inflatable Factory

BRIG Factory Ukraine

The BRIG RIB inflatable boat factory complex in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in an image that was obviously taken before the factory was shelled by the Russian army.

According to International Boating Industry magazine, the BRIG factory near Kharkiv, Ukraine suffered a direct hit from Russian artillery last week. The plant had been evacuated weeks before and no one was reported injured. Read the message that BRIG has sent to the world.

Letter from BRIG —

“Dear boatyard managers, material suppliers, BRIG distributors, and industry colleagues:

“We have the regret to inform you that the Ukrainian boatyard BRIG has been bombed this last week. Like you perhaps know, the BRIG yard is situated near Kharkiv, very close to the Russian border. Luckily there were no people in the yard, but the material damage is big.

“Today most of the BRIG employees that are not fighting, fled away from Kharkiv, have no homes, and have a hard time to sustain in their daily needs. The BRIG yard that until now used all its funds to pay their salaries to at least make sure they find a roof above their heads and food. But with no turnover since the beginning of the war, they arrived now at a point where they can’t help them anymore.

“With worldwide BRIG importers, distributors, owners, and friends we created the BRIG FAMILY foundation to help the refugees.

“But now we realize that the BRIG employees who stayed in Ukraine, even need more help than the refugees that are taken care of.

“Therefore, I ask you, as BRIG France and other BRIG distributors, for the BRIG FAMILY foundation,

  • If you feel solidarity with the UKRAINIAN Yard in Kharkiv,
  • If you want to help their employees to survive the war and help the yard to start up as fast as possible again as soon as the war is over.
  • If you want to show you are behind these people that fight a war for all of us!

“Then please send a donation, one time, or an amount every month as long as the war lasts, with the details below.”

We urge all BoatTEST Members to support the BRIG Family Foundation by clicking here to go to its GoFundMe web page.

BRIG Family Foundation

The BRIG Family Foundation (EU) was created to help our BRIG family and friends in Ukraine.

BRIG is the world-leading manufacturer of rigid inflatable boats, with headquarters in Kharkiv, Ukraine. BRIG distributors worldwide have come together to support our fellow Ukrainian friends in light of recent events.

The main objective of this fundraiser is to raise money for the foundation to help:

— Refugees from Ukraine that we know of via our contacts at BRIG HQ

This could be employees, families of employees, friends of employees, or any other displaced Ukrainian we may hear about.

— Provide housing and travel for any BRIG employee that has left or is planning to leave Ukraine

Right now, a number of BRIG employees have left Ukraine. With funding, we want to ensure that all employees have a place to stay as well as proper travel arrangements if they leave. Funds will also help future travel plans for when they can return home.

In these difficult times, we want BRIG employees to know that we stand behind them. Therefore, we are enlisting the help of the entire BRIG community. If you aren't in the position to make a donation at this time, we ask that you share this fundraiser with anyone you see fit. 

BRIG USA has started this fundraiser in an effort to raise money for the BRIG Family Foundation (EU). All money raised via this fundraiser will be directly transferred to the BRIG Family Foundation (EU) which is administered by a group of individuals. Frank Hillen of BRIG France is the President of this foundation, while Dominic Stockmann of BRIG Germany and Paul McCarthy of BRIG England are the board members.