Earthrace Sets New Round-the-World Powerboat Speed Record

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Earthrace, the world’s fastest eco-boat,
has smashed the world speed record for a powerboat to circumnavigate the globe,
knocking almost 14 days off the previous record. The carbon fiber trimaran crossed
the finish line in Sagunto, Spain at 13:42 GMT on Friday 27 June, having taken 60
days 23 hours and 49 minutes to travel around 24,000 nautical miles fueled by biodiesel
to demonstrate the efficiency of, and draw global attention to, the potential for
alternative fuel sources. This was Earthrace’s second attempt and was largely uneventful.

Skipper Pete Bethune
Skipper Peter Bethune enjoys a hard-earned
cigar after his record-smashing victory.

“This fantastic team of people and
our astonishing boat have broken the record by a massive margin, said Pete Bethune,
New Zealand skipper and owner of Earthrace, "I finally feel that all the sacrifices
made, especially by my wife and daughters, have been worth it. I don't even know
how to begin to thank all the individuals and companies that have supported us along
the way, some of them since the very beginning over five years ago. Without them,
none of this would have been possible.”

Record Holder
Bethune steps ashore a world record holder.

World Record Holder
The skipper receives the coveted Round-the-World
trophy from the mayor of Sagunto, Spain.

For all of the exciting details, go