Boaters' Internet Lightning Strikes Congress for the 1st Time

America's boaters showed their muscle for the first time in
the halls of Congress by the passage of the Clean Boating Act of 2008 in record
time. Much of the world looks to the U.S. Congress for regulatory
and environmental guidance and often takes its cues from the debate in America.
A case in point is the ban on smoking in public places sweeping Europe these days.
The outcome of the Clean Boating Act battle was also awaited around the world, as
a couple of BoatTEST's readers note.

Radio spread the word around the world
about the raging battle over EPA permits for American boaters. BoatTEST's 75,000 monthly
non-US visitors also had an interest in our struggle with bureaucracy.

Ruled in Britannia

G. Wright 7/23/2008 5:33:17 PM

I've been boating in the UK for nearly 20 years and,
the past 2 years I have seen the degradation of our (leisure boaters) rights. We
rely upon associations such as the Royal Yachting Association to fight in our corner
however, after many petitions, we normally fail and subsequently, pay the massive
price of indirect taxation.  After reading the news of your fantastic victory over
the "clean boat act" I salute you guys and wish that, some day, we too can have
an outfit as good as yours. Well done gang - keep up the good work. Glyn Wright

Global Warning from Australia

M. Knight 7/23/2008 8:15:28 PM

Congratulations to BoatTEST for the magnificent campaign
you waged on behalf of all "Boaties" and thank you to the Members of Congress who
"saw the light." You may not realise it but this successful outcome will have a "Global"
effect. We have been waiting with baited breath for the result as our Government
bureaucrats here in Australia would surely have blindly followed had the legislation
passed in America. May this event serve as a jarring reminder for us all to "Don't
destroy what you came to enjoy" on the waters of the world. That way we will have
more good arguments against any further harsh legislation should it arise in the

Michael Knight, Brisbane, Australia

Government that Worked!

J. Newgent 7/24/2008 11:42:33 AM

I and several of my friends want to say thanks to everyone who took part
in this Bill being passed. We have a system and it works.

T. Smyth 7/24/2008 7:03:24 AM

Thanks to ALL who reacted and participated in this successful endeavor...especially
senators who pushed the Bill to "PROPER" outcome!!!!!!!!!!

L. Stryker 7/23/2008 8:53:17 PM

Awesome! I thank Mr. Schumer for his efforts to keep boating fun and affordable
for all citizens! I just hope reasonable conclusions are drawn from studies before
the vote comes up again in 2 years.

Boaters of the World -- Unite!

W. Bowden 7/25/2008 12:57:29 PM

Way to go fellow boaters! Shows that there truly
is strength in numbers!
B. Bowden-NY  

J. Apice 7/24/2008 8:01:04 AM

Thank you BoatTEST for the wonderful job that
you did on behalf of all boaters. Thanks to all the members of the House and the
Senate who honestly stood by all of us and thanks to all the boaters who took the
time to express their opinion and concern over this issue. It goes to show that
when we all stick together nothing is impossible. God bless everyone, and now let's
go out and have some fun.........

N. Szirmai 7/23/2008 7:41:44 PM

Thanks to for the thorough and relentless coverage of this issue. A
huge thanks to my fellow boaters for voicing their opinions, we proved that banding
together in protest can truly pay off.

Be Vigilant,
Be Ready

J. Smith 7/23/2008 9:37:44 PM

There are many more yacht owners out there who did not take action on this bill.
They did not write or call their congressional leaders. We will be forever on the
edge, as we are a relatively easy target for the enviromentalists; all must be alert,
ready to act if our boating future is to remain comfortable. Make no mistake, there
is going to be change. Our efforts must be strong, committed and and dedicated for
years to come, otherwise our yachting experience will cease to exist as we know
it today.

Kudos for BoatTEST and Its Members

R. Ziegler 7/24/2008 3:59:50 PM

Thanks to BoatTEST in its efforts to keep us boaters aware of what's going on
in the world government regs. I believe that the number of emails sent to our congressmen
made a big difference.

W. Thomas 7/24/2008 10:46:17 AM

Thank you BoatTEST for all the great articles and your intervention. Many times
we take an organization for granted and do the same with boating. It is a privilege
to be protected. Thanks to all the members of Congress who stood
up for us. Each time I step aboard I count my blessings to be able to enjoy a great
day on the lake.

T. Schmidt 7/24/2008 9:47:59 AM

I would like to thank all the members that stepped up.

T. Purcell 7/23/2008 4:18:11 PM

Thanks for fighting for us and to all of you who fought along with
them. I use my boat to get to work and live on it 5-6 days a week while working
on Kelley's Island, Ohio. If this had not gone in our favor my job would have been
gone as would my pleasure boating days.Thank you!! Captainblondee

P. Becker 7/23/2008 4:02:39 PM

Thanks you are number 1 on my list!!!  It just goes to show that a never
quit attitude does pay off.

M. Carrington 7/23/2008 3:11:45 PM

Just want to say thanks to BoatTEST for not only bringing the issue to our attention,
but for making it so easy to contact our reps. I have never taken the time to voice
my opinion or try to contact a rep, but I had no excuse not to thanks to you guys.
And thank you to everyone else who took the time and the reps who listened.

S. Wood 7/23/2008 2:46:03 PM

If it wasn't for we recreational boaters would have had no idea this
was happening until it would have been too late to stop it.  Thanks a million. 
I will never get tired of information that is put out for our protection. S.WOOD