We Discover Women! See Cruisers 520 Videos

Cruisers 520 a

Cruisers 520 b

Cruisers 520 c

A lady's view of

the cockpit and salon.

A master stateroom

for real cruising.

With a joystick,

docking is easy.

Click the thumbnails above to watch videos.


BoatTEST.com has conducted over 1,000 boat tests, but not one of them -- heaven
forefend -- was conducted by a woman! As hard as that is to believe, it is the sad
fact. Not only is it extremely un-PC, it is downright stupid. We are well aware
that virtually no boat gets purchased without the stamp of approval from one's better
half. Further, we suspect that in more cases than any man would care to admit, he
doesn't care which boat he buys so long as his spouse agrees to one of them! The
three videos above are the first of many to come where we offer you a woman's perspective
of the boat; in this case the Cruisers Yachts 520 Sport Coupe. The lady conducting
the tour is Charity Hughes, BoatTEST's Special Project Manager. No, we're not getting
rid of Capt. Rob Smith -- we'll get his unvarnished look at the 520, along with
performance numbers, in a future issue.

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