USCG Saves Three Stooges

For years it had been rumored that the Three Stooges
were still alive, but actual confirmed sightings of them had been rare – until now!
It seems that they are still up to their old slapstick tricks and have recruited
three more boneheads. The Coast Guard not only found them all on Oct. 9th on a boat
off of Oahu, but also rescued them, thus bringing joy to the hearts of all who loved

three stooges

First they took up golf, then boating with friends – all with predictable results.

A Wife Called

It wasn’t until the wife of one of the men called the Coast Guard at 11 PM and reported
the three men overdue that ANY attempt in searching for the men was initiated. The
Coast Guard made brief contact with the men after getting a cell phone number. However,
the man immediately reported that his cell phone battery was running low, so he
hung up on the Coast Guard. 

USCG heli

USCG scrambles choppers to look for Stooges.

Thanks to the local cell phone company, the Coast Guard was able to get their general
location on the windward side of Oahu, which greatly narrowed the search area. The men were finally found at 12:30 AM on Oct 9th. Ultimately, a helicopter team lowered
a radio to the stranded fishermen and remained in contact with them until a patrol
boat arrived on the scene.

What, Me Worry?

The three men told the Coast Guard that they had no life vests, no flares, and no
working radio. The patrol boat Ahi arrived at the boat's location at 5:49 AM to
tow the disabled vessel to Heeia Kea Small Boat Harbor boat ramp in Kaneohe. The
six fishermen arrived shortly after 9 AM.

Sort of makes you proud to be a boater doesn’t it?

Do you have any Three Stooges sightings to report? Comments please…