How Does Lloyd's of London Stay in Business?

Ship wrecks

Think ship wrecks are a rare event? Watch this.


You think ferries

are safe?

Think again.


Ever wonder how big ships run aground?

Commercial Shipping

Sen. Collins explains why commercial shipping is safe.

We are reminded once again by that prominent Australian official, Senator Collins,
how safe commercial shipping is even though ships can be registered in countries
such as Panama, Liberia, and Nicaragua. Do you trust in these countries to make
sure the ships they register are properly equipped and manned? Well, if you don't
trust them, then certainly you can trust in the ship owners to see to it that their
ships are properly equipped and manned. Well, if you don't trust them, certainly
you can trust the insurance companies that would suffer tremendous losses if the
ships weren't properly equipped and manned. It's a wonderful system. Take a look
at the videos above and you'll see how well it works.