Our trusty reader Bill Noble, basking in the balmy breezes of south Florida, has
sent his friends in northern climes the holiday message seen above. Thankfully
these sorts of ice storms are rare, but when they come there is not much one can
do about them. As usual with Noble’s offerings, we are asking our readers to
decide on his compensation. Noble doesn’t know where in Europe this marina is
located so we are asking our readers to identify it for us. The correct answer
wins one of our coveted Duckies.

Ice Storm 1

Both fire and ice can be devastating to boats in a marina.

Guess what
happened next --

Staff members around the BoatTEST office have guessed that this unfortunate
scene is in the south of France, Spain, and on the Adriatic side of Italy. We
invite our readers to pinpoint the location for us.

Regular readers know that our trusty contributor Bill Noble works only for Coors
Light, and we leave the amount of payment up to you on a scale of 1 to 4
six-packs. In the past our readers have been overly generous with our funds, and
we would point out that this week Mr. Noble has presented us with only three
pictures and he doesn’t even know where this ice storm took place. Nor does he
even offer advice as to what boaters might do if caught in such a situation to
save their boat. So we beg our constituency not to be extravagant this time

Ice Storm 2

Pedro and a number of his dock mates have succumbed to the briny as scuppers

plugged and the sheer weight of the ice sunk these boats.

We hope they were insured.

Ice Storm 3

Do you recognize this lovely seaside resort? If so, let us know.