BoatTEST Sets New Visitor Record

Last Wednesday 45,781 unique visitors came to – more than can fit
into Boston’s Fenway Park!

Visitor traffic
has grown steadily since BoatTEST was founded nine years ago. 
Last year BoatTEST had an average of 19,152 visits each day, according to Webtrends,
up 43% from the year before. That’s nearly 7 million visits a year! Last Wednesday
the website had 51,508 visits from 45,781 unique visitors, setting an all-time one-day
record for BoatTEST. That increase in 2008 traffic can be attributed to word-of-mouth
as more and more boaters have discovered the treasure trove of buyer information
available on the site. With about 3,000 videos available on demand, over a thousand
boat and engine tests, data on over 6,000 boats, and more than 100,000 classified
boat listings, BoatTEST is the largest repository of recreational boating content
on the planet. Thank you one and all for helping make BoatTEST so popular.