How to Buy a Phone for Your Boat

We consider them requirements, and
so we compiled a list that can act as a primer on how to buy a mobile phone for
marine applications. If you are looking to purchase a new phone, we suggest you
consider the list while comparison shopping. If you already have a phone, it may
help you decide whether to keep it or look for a new one.

Moible Phones for Marine Apps
Above are some examples
of feature phones.

Many Phones Will Work aboard a Boat, but There are Some Features That Matter

While many different mobile phones will work aboard a boat, there are certain features
that can significantly increase function and make things run more smoothly. We consider
them requirements, and so we compiled a list that can act as a primer on how to
buy a mobile phone for marine applications. If you are looking to purchase a new
phone, we suggest you consider the list while comparison shopping. If you already
have a phone, it may help you decide whether to keep it or look for a new one.

Sunlight Visible Screen. When on your boat you will often find
that you want to use your mobile phone outdoors, so it is very important that the
screen be visible in direct sunlight. If you are considering a specific mobile phone,
be sure to take it outside and test it. We have gotten more than a few funny looks
when doing contortions to shade the screen while on our dinghy with an inadequate

GPS Connectivity. To use your mobile phone as a navigation device
requires connection to a GPS. We prefer a mobile phone that has the GPS built in,
and in fact this is becoming more and more common. It's one less device to mess
with, to charge up and to worry about dropping overboard. The alternative is to
connect an external GPS via Bluetooth. We have actually done this for several years
with our various devices and it works quite well. One warning: not all Bluetooth
interfaces or mobile phones will connect to a GPS. Make sure that the Bluetooth
on the mobile phone you are considering has SPP (Serial Port Profile) support.



Tethering Capabilities. Being able to tether your mobile phone
to your laptop to facilitate an Internet connection is a great capability. It can
save you money and works quite well. We would not consider a mobile phone that did
not support tethering, but if you regularly use an aircard then tethering may not
be important to you.

Touchscreen. We believe a touchscreen is the most intuitive way
to interact with a mobile phone. This is particularly true if you want to run a
navigation program. Interacting with the maps and charts directly on the screen
is simpler, and many programs, such as TomTom, Pathaway and our own ActiveCaptain
Mobile require a touchscreen.

External Antenna Connection. One extremely useful upgrade is
to connect an external antenna and amplifier to your phone. Mobile phones with external
antenna jacks make the connection to an amplifier better and make full amplification
possible. There are ways to amplify a mobile phone with a cradle, but this will
cause you to lose some signal strength. For more information, see Boost Your Signal.

Keyboard. Keyboard preferences are a very individual thing. They
can be based on many factors: past experience, typing abilities, finger size and
how much typing you plan to do. Jeff is a fast, touch typist. Karen is a hunt-and-peck
user. But we both agree that you are probably better off with a physical keyboard,
than an on-screen "soft" keyboard. It is just hard to replace the tactile feedback
of physical keys. So if you are that type of user who does a lot of typing, we strongly
suggest a physical keyboard - and be sure to try the keyboard yourself. The perfect
setup for one user could feel clumsy to another.


Size, Weight and Form. It is important that you actually touch
the mobile phone you are considering. While much can be learned by looking at reviews
from other users, nothing beats a hands-on trial. How does it fit in your hand?
Will it fit in your pocket? There are trade-offs to be made on features verses size
and weight, so you will have to decide which work best for you.

Of course, as with most things in life, one size does not fit all when it comes
to mobile phones. Much depends on what is important to you.

Based on software availability and your hardware needs, you can then create a list
of mobile phones that may suit you and check them out first hand.

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