Monster Lure Secret Discovered

Our trusty reader Bill Noble is currently
doing research on the Internet for his annual fishing trip to the north country.
He came across this picture and will be enjoying his usual Coors Light payment as you
read this. We’re told that it was a record for the lake where it was caught. Those
fussy people at the IGFA (International Game Fish Association) would probably take
exception to the bait used, but no matter, in fact bigger ones have been recorded.
Now is the time for you to plan your summer fishing trip, so go where the big ones

Fishing Trip
This happy angler got
his prize on Rainy Lake, Ontario, Canada in 2006.

Fishing Trip
It takes big bait to catch big fish. The angler
caught a 36” northern pike and while he was reeling it in,

the 54” cannibal pike couldn’t resist.

Fishing Trip -Map
Here is a spy satellite snap of Rainy Lake.
Most of it is in Canada, some of it is in Minnesota.

Note International Falls in the lower left.

Fishing Trip -Map
It looks like great fishing country to us.
Plan now to make your summer trip to where the big ones are.

In doing research for this item we have come across Internet posts that say the
fish pictured was actually 55” and weighed 55 lbs. We have gone with the lower dimensions,
but would be glad to make a correction if one of our readers can send us reliable
proof of what this awesome pike really weighed.