Indiana Jones' (aka Capt. Steve) Fueling Safety Tip

Capt. Steve

Capt. Steve’s Boating Lesson #32 which we published last week had 11 important safety
tips. We are replaying two of them.

Over the years has periodically published articles about boat fires
and explosions. Most occur during or right after fueling a gasoline-powered boat.
We only run three of four of these articles a year, but the fact is that these accidents
occur every week or so during the season, and more often than you might guess off
season. Our readers like these articles, as they usually score #1 or #2 in readership.
You can imagine our surprise, then, when Capt. Steve’s Boating Lesson #32 last week
on safe fueling procedures scored third from last on readership! Do people think
safety tips are too Boy-Scout or boring? Well, Capt. Steve is anything but boring
-- if his female fan mail is any indication – so just in case you missed it, we’re going to replay his Indiana
Jones fueling safety tip (there will be a quiz!)-- 

See the
MOST IMPORTANT fueling tip of
all --