PWC Pre-Launch Detailed Checklist

Allstate checklist

Smart PWC boaters give their vessel a thorough inspection before
leaving the driveway of their home for a day on the water. Is there debris in the
water pump?

Have you ever noticed commercial airline pilots walking
around their airplane looking at all control surfaces before taking off? Once in
the cockpit they then have a detailed checklist to follow. PWCs seem simple, but
from your driveway at home in the morning until you return at night there are dozens
of things that can go wrong to ruin your day. Smart boaters will carefully check
a dozen items or more to avoid mishaps both on the road and on the water. Thanks to the friendly folks at Allstate Insurance, we can provide
you with a detailed video pre-launch check list to make sure your day on the water
is nothing but fun --

all Allstate safety videos --