Certifications & Standards

NMMA Certification Is Quality Assurance

Report Highlights:

  • NMMA Certification Criteria
  • Boats that are NMMA Certified
  • What NMMA Certification Means
  • Explain NMMA Certification of Boats



NMMA Certification

NMMA-Certified boats are 7 times less likely to be recalled than ones that are not certified.

Most people don’t realize it but other than meeting a few UCSG regulations, boat builders are not required by law to meet any particular building standards. And for many years boats were built pretty much the way a company wanted to. But now the NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association) certifies that every model built by every certified builder meets or exceeds American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) standards. The ABYC has hundreds of standards and virtually all are designed to make your boat safer and more seaworthy. That is why NMMA-Certified boats are 7 times less likely to be recalled than ones that are not. To find out more about NMMA certification, watch Capt. Steve’s short video --