Seal Pup Slaughter...

If you thought the Harp Seal pup "harvesting" was stopped in the 1980's, we have bad news for you. It continues. Watch these videos and read the article.

Watch Video -- Destroying Innocent Life

Watch Video-- Stop the Seal Hunt

Members of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) witnessed and reported upon the first slaughter of harp seal pups during this year's commercial seal hunt in Canada’s Gulf of St Lawrence. The observation team members traveled by plane and helicopter and observed a single sealing vessel as it began hunting seals on the opening day of the Gulf hunt. Sealers were shooting at seals on small ice pans from their boat. Witnesses saw seals shot in open water, then hauled on boats and clubbed to death.

The IFAW reports that seals were seen in agony after being shot at and injured, but not instantly killed. One seal was hauled alive onto the deck of the boat with a steel hook before finally being beaten to death, said the report.

There has been a significant lack of ice in and around the southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence this year. In normal years, it is common to find a large concentration of seal pups in a single location, however this year is the exception. The sealing vessel they observed had to search out small pans of ice to find a few lone seals."

According to the IFAW, the hunt for harp seal pups is the largest for a marine mammal in the world; with this year's commercial total allowable catch limit set at an unsustainable 270,000 seals. To learn more about IFAW's efforts to end the Canadian commercial seal hunt, visit