Rose Marine Service in Algonac, MI

Dealer Spotlight

Rose Marine Service in Algonac, MI

In addition to its extensive inventory, the Michigan dealer has a number of services it offers to both new and existing customers. One of these is its 10 Hour Check, which it recommends on all new four-stroke outboards sold. The 10 Hour Check accomplishes several service-related issues, such as inspecting mechanical shifting and throttle control, and is suggested by all of the major outboard manufacturers.

Evinrude engines do not need a 10-hour check because they require no break in period. There are no valves to set and other adjustments that need to be made. Evinrude engines are also self-winterizing, thus avoiding a trip to the dealership and saving the owner more money.

Other services include basic boat detailing, in which the dealer provides interior cleaning, exterior and interior polishing, and bottom wash down of aluminum and fiberglass boats. Rose Marine Service also works with the area’s best canvas shops to ensure timely and professional service, whether one is looking for a new cover, Bimini top, interior, or a repair.

Featured Boat

Rose Marine Service in Algonac, MI
The Avalon LSZ Cruise 24', available at Rose Marine Service, has black fence, mooring cover, ATD vinyl flooring, LSZ Performance Package, side keels, Buckskin Vinyl, 2 portable cupholders, and a privacy station.

Rose Marine Service in Algonac, MI
Rose Marine Service, 7291 Dyke Rd, Algonac, MI 48001.

For more information, contact:

Bill Rose Sr.

(586) 716-9600

[email protected]