Boating Tips

Carbon Monoxide -- The Silent Killer


CO cannot be seen. It has no odor or taste and it can be deadly in a matter of minutes.

Carbon-based fuels – Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced when a carbon-based fuel such as gasoline, propane, charcoal, or oil burns.

Sources on a boat – May include engines, gas generators, cooking ranges, and space and water heaters.

How CO effects people – Carbon monoxide (CO) enters your bloodstream through the lungs, blocking the oxygen your body needs.


If you can see or smell exhaust fumes, CO is present.

Exposure – Prolonged exposure to low concentrations or very quick exposure to high concentrations can kill. Altitude, certain health-related problems, and age will increase the effects of CO.


Shown is a U.S. Coast Guard smoke test that demonstrates visually how easy it is to be exposed to CO.

Risks – Persons who smoke or are exposed to high concentrations of cigarette smoke, consume alcohol, or have lung disorders or heart problems are particularly susceptible to an increase in the effects from CO. However, anyone can be affected.

Physical Exertion – Another factor to consider is that physical exertion accelerates the rate at which the blood absorbs CO.


Emergency Treatment for CO Poisoning


CO poisoning or toxicity is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate action.

The following is a list of things that should be done if CO poisoning is suspected. Proceed with caution. The victim may be in an area of high CO concentration, which means you or others could be in danger from exposure to CO.

  • Evaluate the situation and ventilate the area if possible.

  • Evacuate the area and move the affected person(s) to a fresh air environment.

  • Observe the victim(s).

  • Administer oxygen, if available.

  • Contact medical help – If the victim is not breathing, perform rescue breathing or approved cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), as appropriate, until medical help arrives. Prompt action can mean the difference between life and death.

  • Shut off potential sources of CO – If possible, correct ventilation problems and/or repair exhaust problems as appropriate. Investigate the source of CO and take corrective action, such as evacuating and ventilating the area or shutting off the source of the CO, while at the same time evacuating and ventilating the area.

What can one do to prevent CO poisoning on their boat?

  • Know where and how CO may accumulate – This includes in and around the boat.

  • Maintain fresh air circulation throughout the boat at all times.

  • Run exhaust blowers whenever the generator is operating.

  • Know where your engine and generator exhaust outlets are located – Keep everyone away from these areas.

  • Never sit, teak surf, or hang on the back deck or swim platform while the engines are running.

  • Never enter areas under swim platforms – This is where exhaust outlets are located.

  • CO can be present without the smell of exhaust fumes – If you smell exhaust fumes, CO is always present. Take immediate action to dissipate these fumes

  • Treat symptoms of seasickness as possible CO poisoning – Get the person into fresh air immediately. Seek medical attention -- unless you're sure it's not CO.

  • Install and maintain CO alarms inside your boat – Do not ignore any alarm. Replace alarms as recommended by the alarm manufacturer.

The Coast Guard offers a detailed series of findings and recommendations to avoid this silent killer. Their website is

Please don't consider just the above list of precautions as overkill –There are wildly unlikely cases on record, such as the young boy in a powerboat head who died because the fumes from a generator had blown into an open portlight in the head.