Earthrace Reversal of Fortune

A midnight exit from the harbor at Koror, Palau spelled trouble.

Once back at the dock, Bethune went for a dive to survey the damage and discovered that one of the blades of the port prop were completely missing. The rudder was bent. He suspected that the drive shaft was also bent.

Even though the boat was at idle when an object was hit, the damage was just as great as it might have been at full speed.

Repairs are not realistic in Palau. What to do?

Singapore or Manila?

Manila is closer. Singapore was one of the boat's scheduled stops, has better marine infrastructure and better air service. Capt. Bethune decides on the more distant port.

The boat will be traveling about 17 knots on one engine, not a bad pace, but not fast enough to elude pirates that regularly work these waters.

Incredibly, Earthrace has no spare drive shaft -- not aboard and not on land. A new one will have to be milled out of stainless steel bar stock while Earthrace is inching toward Singapore.

Singapore in a Sling

After an uneventful passage of over 2,000 miles, Earthrace reaches Singapore on Friday June 6, 2008. A dispatch from the ship reads as follows:

"Earthrace arrived in Singapore at 7am Friday 6 June and docked at ONE°15 Marina Club, the official port stop host sponsor. Despite being on only one engine, she maintained an average speed of over 17kn, retaining and building her lead on the current record by 2,908nm.

"Earthrace is in Posh Semco dry dock under going a 72 Hour emergency repair to her drive train. Including a new shaft, prop and gearbox. We hope to fuel at 2pm (local) on One 15 Marina before setting off to Cochin Monday afternoon. All crew are busy repairing damage to Carbon Fiber P bracket and Drive train. We are still on track to take the record..."