Engine Search Results
Your search for: "Any Horsepower"and "Yamaha Outboard Manufacturer", produced 15 results.
Yamaha Outboard 425-hp 5.6L V8
The new Yamaha 5.6L V8 XTO Offshore engine that was announced this week has a number of features which boaters should like, including direct fuel
Yamaha Outboard F350 V8 5.3L Four Stroke
The company’s first V8 outboard powerhead was designed specifically for the marine market and features more than 600 new parts. The design is a
Yamaha Outboard F250
This latest version of the F250 adds Command Link Digital Electronic Controls, which was successfully introduced in 2007 on the F350. The F250 is a
Yamaha Outboard 200 HPDI
Yamaha's revolutionary High Pressure Direct Injection was a giant technological leap, delivering fuel at an amazing 700 psi, vs. 90-450 psi of
Yamaha Outboard F 150
The F150 is a four stroke, 16-Valve, Double Overhead Cam, in-line four cylinder which the team at Yamaha tells us is designed for fuel efficiency as
Yamaha Outboard F 90
This 90-hp 4-stroke outboard has enough muscle to move your 1000-lb. boat at over 40 mph and give you 5.75 mpg at best cruise. How much more
Yamaha Outboard F40 EFI
Easy starting, max efficiency due to additon of advanced multi-point electronic fuel injection. This new electronically fuel injected outboard meets